Wednesday, September 9, 2015

After 4 years...... finally I update this blog! Haha! 
I seriously don't get why all the pictures I uploaded on this blog become exclamation mark! It pissed me off so much man! All those memories I uploaded gone just like this? 

And..... I realised how bad my English was before man! All the past tense present tense are all messed up! What the hell?! Although now my English isn't that great but I believe it's definitely better than before! How did I even manage to pass my O'Level English gosh! 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hellllloooo everybody!!!!!!!
It's been a long long time when i last update my blog huh!!! Haahhaaaa, sorry!!! Erm, YA!!!!! Common Test FINALLY ENDED!!!!! YEAH!!!! Was screaming with my friends after the exams!!!!! So happy!!!! But the sad thing is that i think my result will be bad!!!!!!!!!! Please help me, teacher please mark me correct even for wrong answers!!!! HEHE:D Okay, we went to Nex to eat ramen today and you know what we saw a NO manners and FAT woman scolding us!!!!!!!! When we were ordering the food from the waiters, she went up and scold the waiters and say that the waiter is wasting her time by helping us to order the food because we are slow!!! LIke what the hell, you want so fast for what, 赶着去投胎啊!So angry with her, she even say want to report to our school because regine is complaining about her!!! Den she say "Nah, what student is this, keep complaining" den what what etc... I was like you are the one who is complaining leh!!! WTH!!!!! So angry!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wake up in the morning and feel terrible!!!! Today didn't go to school and i miss a lot of things!! Went to see doctor at around 9.30am and waited there for 35 minutes!!! Haiz, thanks kelvin for accompanying me to see doctor! Love you bro! Cough medicine SUCKS ttm..... Okay, going to sleep now! Byebye....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hellooooo :)
It have been a long time since i update my blog!! Hahaa!!! Okay, should post some picture about today ^^ Enjoy! Went to bishan today with xara to borrow books from library!! Find two books!!! Thanks for xara ^.*

Thursday, November 18, 2010

HELLO!!!! >.^
Today went to east coast park with Baby,Chrissie,Hins,Kelvin,ZhouRan,William,KinTing and Parents!!! FUN!! We went to changi airport first as it was raining in the evening and head to east coast park. Today is not a lucky day though, two person were injured and one of them drop the phone on the floor and he damn heart pain, poor phone and poor Hins. As for me and chrissie, I fall off the escalator and chrissie was injured by the couple during cycling which have a little bit of problem. The guy look scary!!!